Catégorie : Articles

Séroprévalence de la triple infection toxoplasmose/VIH et virus de l’hépatite B

Makanéra A., S Sidibé, Camara TD., Condé M.,Barry AO.,Diallo MA, Diakité T. , D Camara, Condé M. , AT Samaké AT.                     

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Frequencies and phenotypes of antibiotic resistance in non-fermentating bacteria isolated at the ChinaGuinea Friendship Hospital

1. Makanéra A., Camara TD, Koivogui K., Condé M.,  Adamou FM.,  Diallo MA.,  Camara D., Diakité T.,  Barry AO. and Mariama Condé. Frequencies and phenotypes of antibiotic resistance in non-fermentating bacteria

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Diversity and antibiotic resistance profile of enterobacterial species isolated from urinary tract infections at the China-Guinea friendship hospital of Kipé/Conakry

Makanéra A, Camara TD, Niabaly O, Condé M, Diallo MS, Souaré O, Diallo MA and Barry AO.  Diversity and antibiotic resistance profile of enterobacterial species isolated from urinary tract infections at

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